Official book release: AI - from Idea to Implementation
Friday, May 31, 2024, we will be at Bookfest - the International Book Fair, where Associate Prof. Catalin Vrabie, chair of the Smart-EDU Hub, will launch the book "AI - from Idea to Implementation"!
We warmly invite you at Pavilion B2, stand E09 (Pro Universitaria Publisher), to discover together how the idea of artificial intelligence emerged and what effects we can expect in public administration!
SIDI – the School on Internet Governance, Digital Policies and Innovation, 2nd edition, June 2021 (details here)
The second edition of SIDI – the School on Internet Governance, Digital Policies and Innovation will take place on 31 May – 11 June 2021, in a fully online format. SIDI is co-organised by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), and the South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG), with the support of several international, regional and local partners.
SIDI – the School on Internet Governance, Digital Policies and Innovation, first edition, December 2019 (details here)
SIDI was launched in 2019 and had its first edition between 9 and 13 December in Bucharest, Romania. The inaugural SIDI welcomed participants from within and beyond South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area, for a week-long programme which included lecturers, interactive sessions, students-led activities, as well as opportunities for networking and fun. Below is a brief overview of this edition.
5th SEEDIG annual meeting 7–8 May 2019, (details here)
- Two days of multistakeholder discussions and exchanges of experiences on issues related to the use, evolution and governance of the Internet and other digital technologies.
- Focus on topics of relevance for the SEE+ region, such as the digital divide, cybersecurity, IDNs, digital rights and the digital economy.
- Adoption of SEEDIG Messages, summarising the main takeaways from the discussions and outlining recommendations for the future.
- Participation of academia, civil society, governments, the private sector, the technical community from within and beyond the SEE+ region.
- Direct interactions with SEEDIG's local partners and regional and international supporting organisations.
- A pre-event day dedicated to SEEDIG’s main capacity development programmes: the SEEDIG Youth School and the Fellowship Programme.
Smart Education & Training, pregatiti pentru orase inteligente, 22 mai 2017, (details here)
Conferinţa Smart Education & Training 2017 deschide calea unor dezbateri de substanţă între principalii actori care influentează acest proces: Universităţi, Administraţia Centrală şi Locală, Companii private şi publice din TIC, energie, mobilitate şi utilităţi.
Bucuresti, un oras inteligent, 15 aprilie, 2016, (details here)
„București, un oraș inteligent” si-a propus să reunească în premieră, în același spațiu al dialogului, cei mai importanți actori ai scenei Administraței Publice Bucureștene și furnizorii de bunuri și servicii inovative destinate institutiilor publice. O componentă importantă a acestui eveniment a fost schimbul de idei și experiențe între reprezentanții administratiilor publice locale și antreprenori, favorabil dezvoltării mediului de afaceri din România.